Simplifying the Prescribing Process and How It Impacts Providers
and Patients

Jimmy Fanning
Galt Pharmaceuticals Manager of Pharmacy Solutions
One of the greatest challenges that pharmaceutical reps face in the field is the one that begins after a prescriber has been sold on a product. From insurance coverage to assistance programs, many manufacturers choose to cut corners on support systems and instead pass the burden of effort onto office staff. This can result in burnout for the staff and negative feedback to providers, limiting prescription volume.
Galt Pharmaceuticals seeks to create a better system for prescribers and their support staff, one that minimizes effort while maximizing patient value. This process begins with the pharmacy that the provider chooses to send the prescription to and helps see that every prescription makes it into the patient’s hands while avoiding added stress to office staff.
Prescribing: Galt Sales Representatives encourage providers to send prescriptions for Galt Products to a small network of partner pharmacies. These pharmacies are specially trained in patient communication and insurance processing to help each patient attain the lowest possible price for their prescription. This avoids calls back to offices regarding product availability or price that may otherwise be made by large chain pharmacies.
Prior Authorization: Galt Pharmaceuticals contracts with CloudTop Health to streamline the Prior Authorization process. Once the case is initiated by a Galt Partner Pharmacy, the provider office receives a simple, 1 page request for patient diagnosis and medical history. Each request is custom tailored to the drug under review, eliminating the ambiguity of universal forms used by most PA vendors. The provider’s office needs to simply check boxes that apply to a given patient and provide one signature. CloudTop will then handle the filing of the case to insurance and the communication to the pharmacy, which would typically be the responsibility of the provider and their staff.
Insurance Coverage: Galt’s goal is to maximize the number of patients who are able to receive their prescription through their insurance plan at no out-of-pocket cost to them. Although most insurers assign copays to patients, Galt Pharmaceuticals pays these down to $0 where eligible. As an added bonus to patients, if they have a deductible as part of their insurance plan, they receive credit for the money Galt spends toward this deductible on their behalf.
Patient Assistance: For patients who are uninsured or underinsured and not able to receive Galt Products through their insurance, Galt offers a special Patient Assistance Program, also called Cash Pay. This allows patients to fill their Galt prescriptions for as little as $30 with no exclusion criteria. Many pharmaceutical manufacturers will require patient enrollment into these programs as well as exclude patients who do not meet specific criteria. Galt removes these barriers in order to maximize the number of patients with affordable access to its products.
All these programs come together to create a streamlined process that minimizes unnecessary effort from providers. Galt Pharmaceuticals understands that providers can be most effective when their focus and effort is dedicated to the patient’s needs rather than the needs of an insurance company or pharmacy. By investing in vendors and programs that increase patient access to its products, Galt seeks to provide value in every office that it works with.